Thursday, September 23, 2010


So last night I had the STRANGEST dream ever. So I thought I'd blog it for you.
 I am going to write in this color to signify the dream.

Okay so I was on survivor and we were all sitting at camp doing our on thing. Then I look up in the trees and see some monkeys, and much to my surprise one of those monkeys is actually a sheep. Yes, a white fluffy sheep. So, I did what anyone else would do, I climbed the tree to retrieve the sheep. Somehow I new exactly what the sheep was saying and we hit it off real well. So we became friends and he'd help me win challenges and stuff. He would also ride on my back. This is where it gets weird. I was a bio-chemical weapon of mass destruction. What did I do you ask? Well I could give anyone the chicken pox with just one kiss ha. So when people made me mad or I need an advantage, I'd just chicken pox there ass. (I had the chicken pox about 3 times so its known, and I had the shot) but after 30 days sheep and I won survivor.

How awesome would that be? (to have a sheep that is, I suppose giving everyone I kiss chicken pox would become problematic)

ANYWAY GOOSE  and I have very big news. As some of you may know, Goose and I live far apart. Well Dr. Pepper has informed us today that I will be flying out to CHICAGO!!!! This is a great opportunity :) It will be a blast. December 13-17 whoot whoot.

Also the blog updates may start coming more frequently, and they may not. School is super busy for both of us. We had completely forgot the tasks we were taking on while leaving Disney lol.

My car wouldn't start today. That's really all I got. I'll try to think of something funny to right about soon. and I'll make GOOSE do something lol.

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