Thursday, September 23, 2010


So last night I had the STRANGEST dream ever. So I thought I'd blog it for you.
 I am going to write in this color to signify the dream.

Okay so I was on survivor and we were all sitting at camp doing our on thing. Then I look up in the trees and see some monkeys, and much to my surprise one of those monkeys is actually a sheep. Yes, a white fluffy sheep. So, I did what anyone else would do, I climbed the tree to retrieve the sheep. Somehow I new exactly what the sheep was saying and we hit it off real well. So we became friends and he'd help me win challenges and stuff. He would also ride on my back. This is where it gets weird. I was a bio-chemical weapon of mass destruction. What did I do you ask? Well I could give anyone the chicken pox with just one kiss ha. So when people made me mad or I need an advantage, I'd just chicken pox there ass. (I had the chicken pox about 3 times so its known, and I had the shot) but after 30 days sheep and I won survivor.

How awesome would that be? (to have a sheep that is, I suppose giving everyone I kiss chicken pox would become problematic)

ANYWAY GOOSE  and I have very big news. As some of you may know, Goose and I live far apart. Well Dr. Pepper has informed us today that I will be flying out to CHICAGO!!!! This is a great opportunity :) It will be a blast. December 13-17 whoot whoot.

Also the blog updates may start coming more frequently, and they may not. School is super busy for both of us. We had completely forgot the tasks we were taking on while leaving Disney lol.

My car wouldn't start today. That's really all I got. I'll try to think of something funny to right about soon. and I'll make GOOSE do something lol.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


As a child we all have big dreams what we one day hope to achieve. Some are being astronauts or police men or fire men (if ever I once thought of this as a profession I wanted to get into, I lost all interest in it on 9/11 along with working in a office building). But as we grow older we become more realistic. This is my journey on trying to decided what I want to be when I grow up.

Now lets start off by saying I actually wanted to drive an ambulance, or as I know now be an emergency medical technician. I had a toy ambulance as a child and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. These dreams quickly faded. I didn't really know what was involved in the job, I just knew I wasn't getting shot at or running into burning building.

The next thing I wanted to be was a veterinarian. There was a couple problems with this.
1. Its a job that requires you to be smart.
2. I wouldn't just get to play with fun animals all day, I'd have to deal with sick ones and even kill some.
Needless to say this got a big X though I would still love to do it.

So I moved on to bigger and better dreams of a future career. I WAS GOING TO BE FAMOUS. Now I know this is hard to achieve so I decided I wouldn't be picky on how I became rich and famous I just want it. If I could sing, I'd be a singer. If I could act, I'd be an actor. If I had no talent to get me famous, I'd be on reality TV or just become OPRAH (who is now leaving TV so ABC give me a shout out I'd gladly take her place).

So how have a I done so far? Well I have not actually tried to become famous yet so I'd say I'm doing pretty good. Why? Because I have been on TV and in documentaries. While in Japan they filmed so documentary and I was there. I didn't speak, I did what I do best. I stood there and looked good. I am not sure what this was for or who would be watching it and frankly I didn't care. Give it to the North Koreans so they can see how cool us Americans are. Then in Australia I was on some "Good Day Atlanta" type TV show except it was Sydney. They were showing people all the cool things to do in Sydney, well apparently I happened to be doing one, or be at one is the better word. We were playing some warm up game for cricket and the camera crew asked us if we would like to come sit with the hosts as he talks. We were told to laugh and cheer and such (it was the Olympic steps some runner took and they had a couple people try to match the steps) I don't really know but I suppose you can call this my first speaking role.

My big break came in the spring of 2010. I was at work at Liberty Inn. It was a slow day and the only people working really were Bonnie, Montrelle and I. We got called into our managers office, "well great I'm in trouble for god knows what" was my first reaction. This is because that day I hadn't done anything wrong for once. Our manager told us we were chosen to be on Dinner Impossible! We had to be at work super early for filming (we filmed with the french and Germans). we got there and signed some papers and such (they just wanted my autograph). I was playing the part as one of Princess Tianas friends/workers or as I like to think of it as, slaves. But we had to bring Chef Roberts craw fish and okra. I had a giant pot because Montelles eyes are bigger than her arms, which was good for me because I got more TV time because of it. So we ran out there and stood by here. Then we had to run around EPCOT following this triathlete chef, and mid you the whole time my craw fish bucket is full and I'm wearing nickers and dress shows. It aired and it was pretty exciting I'll see if I could get a video up here. PS its not as easy as it looks. We took multiple takes. I posted a link because I couldn't get the embedded version to work.

Anyway that is my story. Right now I am in college. I started of as a Biology major (I wanted to be a marine biologist) but switched to film. Then went to broadcast journalism but may go back to film. Who knows what my future holds :)


A little side note, sorry about the lack of posts :)

Monday, September 13, 2010


Okay. I get it, I haven't blogged in like 36 years. It's not because I haven't WANTED to, it's because it's been the BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!

Do you know how BUSY the beginning of the school year is? And it's still in that "just getting used to" stage. I never even see Landon anymore because he works like the craziest crazy man I have ever seen. (:

Anyway here I am. First day off of everything and everyone in about 2 months. I slept til 1 (Bad idea but felt great). Last week was so crazy... If I wasn't at school I was working. Literally. Wednesday I worked 9-5 had class 6-8:40. Then a paper to write. Then Thursday I worked after class. Friday I WENT CAMPING AT YOGI! It was so amazering. It was so nice to be able to spend time with my entire family : my mom, dad, Nick, Meridith (My brother and his fiancee for those of you who don't know)..also Josh & Amanda (my brothers roommate and HIS fiance)..and Danny (Josh's brother/ All of our friend lol) And Landon even got to come this year. So much fun.

So I'm home, Landon's working a double (poor guy) and I'm off of work. No class for me on mondays either. Weeeeee!

I don't really have any books to comment on because we're reading Willa Cather's "DEATH COMES FOR THE ARCHBISHOP" and it's sucking my life and soul dry. I despise it and it makes no sense. And oh to add insult to injury it's highly and blatantly religious. Gagggg.

I'm TRYING to read the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins (NICE NAME!!!!) and the first one was VERY good and I WANT to read the 2nd but it's taking me forever because of stupid Archbishop takes up all my reading time and I hate it so much that I read it so little. So more on all that.

This year, I have learned that I have gamer tendencies. I love video games sometimes. Now, I'm only a gamer about once every 5 years. Or...once every adult targeted disney game comes out or Legend of Zelda game. RIght now I'm playing ZELDA TWILIGHT PRINCESS. A little late I know. It's old. But I was worried about playing a game on wii like that (it's so fun).

Next I'm pretty sure I'm going to go back and play Kingdom Hearts RE: or whatever some more

And then that badass mickey game comes out soon. Near christmastime. That'll be my next. And a Sims expansion pack comes out..

But the thing about the Sims is that I get SUPER into it for a few days then I'm like, "meh." If I played like Reynolds, things would always be interesting. His sims always have crazy stuff happen to them.

Anyway, I just really like being able to veg out and play video games on days when I KNOW i have no responsibilities. Days like today. I'll probably do my homework first, so I KNOW I don't have anything going on, then play Zelda all day.

Just dont expect me to play stupid games. Cuz I wont.

Also, I need to be nicer. Not to people, because to people I'm sweeter than a potato in molasses on the fourth of july. But I'm mean like behind people's backs. I'm like "UGH THAT PERSON LOOKED AT ME. SCREW THEM" when I'm in my moods. Honestly, usually it's like a silly playful mood, trying to be funny but it comes out all wrong. Plus, whoever I poke fun at is someon's friend, someone's mom, someone's whoever and that's just hurtful.

I mean unless they seriously deserve it of course. Cuz people watching is super fun. But there's a line. Gotta curb that snarky critical voice in my head. Cuz lets be honest, I'm not perfect.

COME ON!! Stop protesting. No! I'm not perfect. COME ON! Knock it off guys we're not arguing about this. I'm NOT! (:

Haha jk.

Anyway- Stay tuned for my next blog coming soon (tonight or tomorrow) - DISNEY PRINCESS REYNOLDS: A Fairytale.

Peace Love and Pixie Dust
(PS I'm a campus rep - I bullied my way in. I'll blog about that later too)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Last night, I was Gwen Stefani

Talk about a long weekend! This weekend is 4 days long :) so for the first time while living in at my new school I went out and parted. This will be this first and probably last time I tell everyone about a party I went to. I had an interesting 48 hours that I thought need to be shared.

For Privacy reasons I'll leave names out. I suppose.

Leading up to Friday we all knew we were going out to M's house.  I wasn't sure about how this party would be, of coarse I would be attending but wasn't completely thrilled. So it started at 8, which I decided was to early so we went at 10. C, J, KB and KJ were all the people who showed up with us and we decided we would all be drinking and have drinking games. I decided that I didn't want to drink to much but I would participate in any drinking games going on just for fun. W

Well we played circle of death and then some kind of H game. I don't really know. I did good at the H game because you have to guess cards, if theres one thing I'm good at its counting cards and guessing. Why am I so good? Because I play countless amounts of solitare, and I win. So during theses games DC showed up, let me tell you these 48 ours me and DC went from being strangers to good friends because I am a GREAT person litereally. I'm a bomb friend. and then asians 1, 2 and 3 showed up. This really loosed J up bc he knew asian 1.

The Asian trio really spiced up the night, and eventually J2 came but she didn't drink much. Then we played some beer pong, and continued to drink. At about this time we decided we were just going to spend the night but I was going to pull a fast one on our dd, J2 eventually need to go home. Any way that wasn't for a while.

So we continued to drink. Then C took KB home and thats when the party started. Apparently whenever C leaves a place it becomes a lot more fun and it did. Asians 1 and 3 were pretty wild and everyone was running around kissing everyone. Except M DC and J2 had gone to retrieve taco bell for consumption. So it was pretty fun with all them gone. Then we participated in shots and them my tacos arrived. 

It was a blast and we drank from the hours of 10-4 and then eventually we all passed out. at 8am we awoke because we had to get ready for the football game. At this point I still feel alittle drunk and not so much hungover. We hitch a ride to the game and go to tailgate where we do a lot of jello shots and drink something my cousin made for us. I wouldn't say i got drunk but I was not near sober any more so we go to find C M KJ and DC and we find Dc passed out at the bus stop with KJ. This is the point when the 48 hours gets lame.

DC was so drunk and out like a light, she couldn't even sit up, not I hope you realize it is barely 11am if that late. So we sit around for a while tring to keep her legs closed, her boobs in her dress and her body on the bench as apposed to the ground. Once she did decide she wanted to be on the ground so she just rolled herself off and hit hard. She thought it was comfortable and wanted to stay there, clearly we weren't going to let her stay on the ground. So we picked her up and put her on the bench. She was laying on me and I had face imprints from her makeup one my pants. The dress was very annoying to try to keep on her and her covered up. When we woke up I voted she wore shorts and a jersey. I she would have listened half of athens wouldn't know what color underwear she wore.

Anyway, my cousin married a awesome lady and she was going to take me home and luckily she said she would take DC's drunk ass with me. So she drove her back to my apartment where she actually managed to get up 3 flights of stairs like a little trouper, with some help of coarse. Then she came in and planted herself on the couch and was out for most of the day. I watch the UGA game and then some more football. When J finally made it home she woke up. She was not happy that M left her alone, she had know idea where she was. She was postive it was time to get ready for the game, it took about 15 to 20 minutes for us to finally explain to her that she missed it and it was 5 in the after noon. When she found out M had her phone I think it just made her more mad. So KJ came over and we tried to find M who wouldn't answer his phone.

We drove to his apparment and luckily the door was unlocked because he was passed out. We chilled there for a while and then left and I went home cooked hamburgers and finally went to sleep. We then woke up and went to KJ's apartment for a party. After my day I decided that I didn't want to drink and I wanted to sleep in my own bed but I did have fun. After a while I left and went to sleep.


Friday, September 3, 2010

DISNEY STORIES SERIES - #1: The Story of How We Met!

Don't get confused here. Whatever Goose says is still purple and Twin is still Red.

Ahh the story of how we met. Let's begin. Shall we? Well we should begin before the beginning! FIRST OF ALL we should talk about the fact that I met TWO of Twin's roommates before him. And neither one of them decided to tell me they knew a coworker of mine, and I was clearly freaking out about not knowing anyone. Oddly enough...and now I'm dating one of them (String bean)! Hah!

First there was Shamari who I loved at first because he reminded me of my friend Kiarri. Then he introduced me to Landon who is now the love of my life. Besides me of coarse, but I had to point her in the true direction of love. Who knew!! BUT that's another story entirely. 

So I met them and of course we asked the standard, "So where do you work?" question that everyone asks each other on the Disney College Program

"Liberty Inn"

Landon & Shamari: "Oh! That's where our other roommate Reynolds works! We haven't talked to him much though. He wont hang out with us." I was far to cool to hang out with them. He totally was. I had to force him to hang out with us. :P
I suppose this is where I come into the story of how we met, I literally got the ONE PLACE I DIDN'T WANT TO WORK. I told everyone I didn't want America. It's so unfortunate that they put him exactly where he didn't want to go...but I always find it funny, sorry.Well I got it and I hadn't met anyone who worked there. So I was flipping out. Then we had the day we went to our work location and I found my best friend! So praise be for the Liberty Inn ;)
I was like a lost puppy and she came and adopted me.

Hahahah it's soo true, he really was. I was sitting with the rest of the fab 5 - Jessie, Julie, & Maggie - and poor Reynolds was all by his lonesome by some creepers. I think they were janitors. Lol they were actually snotty merchandise people, we all know that people in mechandise can get really obnoxious. I only slummed to hanging out with a janitor twice thanks. HAHA Just the one that stalked BonBon EVERY SINGLE DAY.

One of my favorite conversations: What if you were a janitor at Disney and people asked what you did when you got back home? "Oh I swept and cleaned...I was Cinderella. Yep I was the princess Cinderella" I actually think the quote was "Sometimes I sweep floors, but most of the time I'm Cinderella" lmao. I saved it to facebook. Definatly a good conversation ha. HA!! THat's right I knew it was funnier than I told it. I'm glad you remembered. I was the one that said it and couldn't remember the awesomeness. LOL

ANYHOO- Reynolds eventually found us and I assaulted him with, "OH YOU'RE REYNOLDS! I KNOW YOUR ROOMMATES LANDON & SHAMARI!"

I don't know if I scared him or relieved him. But nobody can say that I wasn't enthused. ;) I never really hung out with my roommates so at this point in time it was just kind of a fact lol. Hahaha No I meant because I like attacked you when you introduced yourself! I was so happy to meet Suzanne and the rest of the Fab 5. For those of you who don't know, the Fab 5 are Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto and Donald. Since there were 5 of us originally CPs at Liberty Inn we adopted the term. There was always much debate on who was who but it was clear that I was always Mickey ;) I was the favorite after all. 

At one point I was Goofy, just by default because we decided everyone was someone else & Goofy was all that was left. But that didn't really work because I'm smart. I wanted to be Donald but I'm not pissed nearly enough. I think Julie was Donald because of her firey temper. God I love her! But then she was Minnie and Maggie was Donald because she's small and has an attitude. Which also, I love her for. Jessie was Goofy NOT because shes dumb but because she's hilarious!! But she's smart too so that didn't really work. And I still didn't have anyone to be. LOL But that's neither here nor there. It's not our faults that Walt made the fab 5 without distinctive personality traits besides stupid and angry. Suz I think you actually ended up as Pluto bc your my best friend. But I do think you hoped between Minnie and Goofy alot. Jessie would hop between Minnie and Goofy, because we got married but she was goofy. To bad our firy temper and grumpy nugget always stayed at donald lol. Julie should swap to Pluto and you should be goofy. Its Decided. Im mickey, your goofy, jessies minnie, julies pluto and maggie is donald lol. What?? Why? I dont like Goofy LOL.

Anyway I don't remember much else about that day. I remember Sharon scaring the piss out of Julie and if Julie could've she would've gone Donald Duck on Sharon's ass. This scared me and I am not even Julie, I already new I was first to start work alone all day and I was terrified of sharon. I remember it was boring and we were sick so Julie gave me Vics Vapo Rub. ;) I wasn't sick like the rest of you ladies. But of course I caught it and had to listen to Angelo, my terrible roommate, bitch that I got him sick. And you know what? I do it again. I would get sick jsut to make him sick its all worth it.

OH I also remember costuming when Valerie gave me a size 12 dress. I came out the dressing room looking like I lived in a parachute. Uhm excuse me Valerie kept going back and forth between what length pants i should get. Theh said it was up to me...uhm idk how long its suppose to be stupid knickers. Hahaha that's RIGHT! You took the longest cuz of your pant length!! I ended up in a size 6 (Sometimes a 4 if all the 6s were gone). Thanks Valerie for telling me I LOOK fat without actually BEING fat. Hahaha

The rest for me is a daze. Those first few days at Disney were so overwhelming. But Reynolds and I were friends from the very beginning!! Thank GOODNESS cuz my program wouldn't have been the same without him!You are probably saying to yourself, "yeah it would have been" your wrong just wait for future stories!

Goose & Twin

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hot Roommate

Ever lost a remote? I think we all have so we all know how frustrating it can be. Usually we find it in the most obvious places like under the cushion or in the fridge. Well I have a more serious problem, my roommate has gone no where near either of those two objects. It simply disappeared, wait, that's impossible.

Here's the back story to this crappy situation. We have two TVs in my apartment, both belong to me. One is in the living room (the smaller one because the big one didn't fit) and the big one is in my room. Jason's wii is in my room because I forgot the remote to the little TV. Well I'm tired of it being in my room bc Wii time always seems to be the same time as bed time for me.

Solution: Go home and get the remote. SOLVED. I got the remote, brought it up to my apartment and now it is gone and probably forever. I remember exactly what happened because I have a photographic memory. I got home, then Jason came back from the pool and I gave him the remote saying "It needs batteries".

We Never Saw It Again

Where has it gone? Will we ever find it? I don't know. I have searched my room top to bottom along with my roommates. Its rather frustrating and both of them are positive I lied. Why would I lie about bringing a remote up? Maybe Martin should have taken some responsibility and brought his exact same TV up. what ever.

Hot roommate? Does Reynolds have a hot roommate? I bet that title threw you off. I am the hot roommate. It is over 80 degrees in my room, I feel like I'm on fire most of the time. I understand that I have two windows that the suns always in but that isn't my fault.

They don't want to put it under 75 degrees because of our electricity limit (if we go over we pay more) well guess what, I'd pay more to be comfortable and not sweating my balls off thanks.

That's about it, PS I'm pretty sure I failed my Spanish and English quizzes today proving that I in fact do not speak either language. you should see this thing before I press spell check.

your mom comments

Parking Tickets & Cable Companies

I got a parking ticket from NIU today. Lemme tell ya, that really got my goat. FIRST OF ALL, it was lodged under the HOOD OF MY CAR so I didn't see it until over 24 hours later after driving quite a bit.


What is that you ask? GOOD QUESTION. I certainly don't know what it means. I went to the parking services place and basically was like "WTF LADY?" And she explains that, "the officer felt that you were over the line"

EXUSE ME? The officer FELT?! So the officer can just FEEL like giving people tickets and give them to people? I really don't know how that makes sense. I was fine on both sides, that I know for sure. I may have been too far forward by a MILLIMETER...who knows. The front bumper may have been touching the yellow.


But Okay, FINE. So I can either try and refute it by emailing so&so @whatever and it may take awhile. But if I wait longer than today to pay then it will be $10 instead of $5. So I gave the lady 5 bucks and walked out.

Whatever. I get it. The lady didn't give me the ticket. Some douchey rent a cop did. 

But the POINT IS that I pay $5000 in tuition EVERY SINGLE SEMESTER. They charge me $200 worth of COMPUTER LAB FEES. I could BUY a brand new printer and tons of ink for that. Not to mention that I NEVER EVER use the computer lab. I also pay for the health center which I don't ever use. How about you take that $5 from one of those extemporaneous, pointless, money wasting fees?

& Listen here coppers, I can't pull out of the parking lot without children darting out from all sides (WHERE ARE THE J WALKING TICKETS?) and it takes me 20 minutes to get down ONE BLOCK after I leave class.

But it's cool, I'll pay the $5 parking ticket...

NOW the other thing that's bugging me to no end today is the internet situation over here in Malta Illinois. We had this one internet company (which sucked) and they went belly up without telling anyone. We were left high and dry.

Now we have hughes net. $70 FRICKEN DOLLARS A MONTH for internet access that is SLOWER than dial up (don't you dare believe what they say that it's 10x faster. Not for one second.) We can NOT get mediacom, we can NOT get comcast, NO CABLE COMPANIES RUN CABLES TO MY SUBDIVISION. The town of malta (which is connected to my subdivision) can get all of this. My subdivision is WIRED to get cable internet. It's just not installed or whatever.

Point is, I have to use hughes net. Satellite internet. It takes me 6 HOURS to download a movie. For $70 a month!! Comcast has high speed internet (we're talking a movie in 6 MINUTES) for like $20 a month.
IT'S NOT FAIR. SO dear COMCAST or MEDIACOM or SOMEBODY, please just give me some damn high speed internet so I can at least do my homework.

I'm going to email mediacom right now. Right this very instant.

I'll let you know how it goes.
