Monday, February 28, 2011

If my Life was a Montage

As some of you may know, for a very long time I have dreamed of being a reality television star. Now there is a reason for this deeper then me wanting to give the world an opportunity to see my beautiful face, or to be famous, or to gain a lot of money.

I want a badass, slightly sad, elimination montage.

All reality shows have them, even the ones that don't even do eliminations like the real world, when the people move out that show a video of there time there. That's what I want in life. I love a good montage or mash-up of anything, so what could be better then a montage of my self having the time of my life on television.

There is a catch though, people who come in second never get a badass montage. So when I even make it on a reality television show I will have to make sure not come in second, if it looks like I won't I'll gracefully bow out in 3rd so I can have my moment, if your in second you don't get a moment. You are old news and all anyone cares about is the winner.

I know there is another time in life where people get badass montages, but these are usually a bit more sad because they are at funerals. I plan on having a badass montage made of my life and playing non-stop when I am on my death bed. This is partly because I'd like to know that it is quality material that will be a tear jerker for all to see when I finally put on that permanent wooden overcoat. and I would like to guarantee myself the pleasure of having my entire life flash before my eyes, you know, just in case that actually doesn't happen when you die of the ripe old age of 106 (the age I have decided I'd like to die at).

106 is like a million years away so I honestly don't think I can wait that long for a montage, so I plan on being on a reality show pretty soon. This will eventually lead to my Oscar win where I will thank myself for being such and amazing actor.



  1. BAhahaha "the ripe old age of 106 (the age i have decided i'd like to die at).
    Damn cuz I chose 87-95. You'll have to man the blog for a few years without me.
    Not like you don't do that already ;)

  2. hahaha damn!! why would you choose so young!! I mean even if you chose 106 also I'd have to man it a few years on my own ;) when we get old we should find apprenteses (i know that is NOT how you spell it) to blog for us, like passing it down to a new generation. it may or may not be our children, if our children dont inherit our hilarity then they don't get blog. lol


  3. AGREED. Whoever inherits our blog will have to be hilarious.

  4. They will have to be!!

