Found this survey online and thought it'd be HILAR to fill out.
Enjoy blog lovers!
Your Name?
Best Friend's Name?
Your Age?
Best Friend's Age?
Your Birthday?
Feb 26
Best Friend's Birthday?
Feb 14
How'd you Meet?
Welllll welll well. I love this story. SO I met Shamari doing our food and beverage training. He reminded me of one of my best friends, Kiarri. Anyway, then we had a housing party, me and my Roommate Soulmate met up with Shamari and his roommate Landon (whom we all know is my boyfriend of over one year now) We swapped stories and I said I worked at Liberty Inn, they told me their roommate Reynolds worked there too! So, when we had Lib Inn training we had a connection already and we've been biffs ever since.
Did you like them instantly?
Yup! I really did. Poor little chap got lost our first day and sat with the janitors. I didn't want him to be "that guy" ;)
How long was it before you were best friends? an hour? hahaha
Why did you become best friends?
Clearly because we're soulfriends.
Would you do anything for them?
Well, there's not much I can do living in IL while he lives in GA but I would do my best (:
Would you help them get the boy/girl they liked?
OH HELL YES. I would!!! I have! kinda.
Would you still be best friends if one of you moved?
um, since we're already long distance besties, i'd assume yes unless he moved to Abu Dhabi
Would you want to be college roommates?
Hahaha why not!
TV shows you both love?
Um where do I begin! Hoarders, Intervention, America's Next Top Model, Amazing Race, Beyond Scared Straight (most recently), I'm SURE there are tons more but those are the ones we talk about most.
Music you both love?
Disney music (once upon a dream), Sweeney Todd, Dreamstreeeeeeeeeeet!!!!, Pretty much all current stuff, WHADDYA WANT FROM MEEEE
Books you both love?
People you both hate?
Oh we don't hate anyone ;)
Do you speak in code?
Its not exactly code but it sounds like it when we speak in our CAROL voices
Do you have nicknames?
I'm goose, he's twin, we're both Carol
then of course normal nicknames like Reyn and Suz
Do you codename other people?
Oh yes
Something You're jealous of about your best friend?
The weather in Athens GA!
Something that bugs you about them?
Hahaha nothing i swear
LAst Text Message they sent you?
That's classified information but it was about EPCOT
Last Text Message you Sent them?
iT was about "BEYOND SCARED STRAIGHT" and how its so scary
LAst Time You Talked on the phone?
um next to never, but we really should more often
Are they pretty/handsome?
Duh, yes, especially when he does the sexy model face
Are they awkward?
nooo we have things against awkward humans. ;)
Songs that remind you of them?
Like a billion but see above for my favorites
Something only you two would understand-
There are so many things, all I'm going to say is CAROL
Have you ever crushed on the same guy/girl?
ummm I hope not. ;) Lets face it, we both had a crush on Angelo
What do you like to do together?
Text hahaha
Do you have sleepovers and stay up til 4am?
I think we stayed up til like 2 at the latest, i wouldn't classify it as a sleepover haha
Do you play games?
Will you be best friends always?
DUH YES. We have to go to disney together every year to live til we're in our 90s
Tell an embarrassing secret of your best friend's!
I just realized that we both have this in common, but we do this thing where if something embarrassing happens, we kinda embrace it and laugh so there are no embarrassing secrets. I mean I could probably think of one but I'll never tellllll.
CAROL!!! This is amazing it cracks me up!!! its so true!!! They were merchants all of them but one I swear lol. I wasn't THAT lost, I was in the right location and those guys came and sat with me, whoops. lol We fought many a night of Angelo and alas all he wanted was landon ;)