If that doesn't say Reynolds Davis in russian then google translate has spoiled all my plans of taking over this wonderful country. When I say I am a Russian Spy I use those words very loosely.
First of all, when I say Russian I actually mean Georgian, and when I say Georgian I actually mean Citzen of the United States of America.
and when I say spy I actually mean a vacationer. So I guess I should explain how this mix up happened.
The summer before my senior year I took a trip to Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. And before I get into my story let me just say, my VisaSSS, the SSS is very important, we screwed up for Australia. Well this is because I had multiple visas and they were in different names, one as William Davis and the other as Reynolds Davis. Now I didn't apply for these visa's the people who I went on the trip with did so it was not my fault they were screwed up. So I got pulled aside and am being asked questions and to set the record straight, I wasn't even aware that a visa was anything different from a credit card, so I pulled my visa out to prove I only want one card. Whoops. They handled it and combined my visas or deleted one or something all I know is that they let in leave the airport which is a good thing. So thats how I became a spy.
But I became a Russian, well Georgian, before I became a spy. For those of you who are geographically challenge Georgia is also a country near Russia. You may remember it from such incidents like its miltary action it had with Russian and 2008 (wow aren't all of you who are geographically challenged relieved to find out that didnt take place in the good ole USA). Well when I was in New Zealand I met these people and they asked me where I was from, and I said Georgia, because everyone should know there 50 states. And apparently these folks did not know there 50 states well but were familiar with the soviet states. So they looked it up on a map.
They proceeded to say "wow you speak pretty good english." At this point I am not aware that they think I am Russian. so all I can think of is "Yeah I know I do, we practically invinted the language, you folks in New Zealand actually are the ones with terrible accents"
But I responded "thanks, you too?" I was rather confused. As the conversation moves on I keep getting more confused as to where these people think I hail from so I sneak a peak at there map......and I so not see the peach state. So I correct them and are issues were solved!! I am basically a diplomate now...the only issue left was the fact that with new zealand accents they would not pronounce Reynolds correctly, so I told them to call me Reyn, which also wasn't pronounced excellent but you got to give and take a little bit with forign policy you know?
Well Thats my story of how I turned from Russian Spy to Diplomat.
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