A little about myself. I am a broadcast journalism major, maybe. I have currently had 3 majors and ranked up 13 credit hours (only 11 transferred to my new school). So I believe this is a great accomplishment. I don't intend on being any sort of news writer, I want to be on the news reading words written by someone else and that will probably make me look charming and smart. I'm kinda like Ryan Secrest, but taller and more attractive.
Anyway last Friday an opportunity presented itself for me to baby sit my cousins (Charles and Kacie's) baby Gabe. He is so cute and just an all around fun baby. So I decided to accept this challenge because they needed someone to babysit and my only other thing I had planned was to sleep my day away.
Well, lets start by saying I have never changed a diaper. I wish I could go without doing this my whole life but I want kids and lets face it, someone changed mine I must return the favor. I have also only fed a baby once, and have never made a bottle. Okay so that's my back story.
This morning in art history I decided it was time for this boring class to be over so I said "Lets wrap this shin-dig up, everyone is officially asleep and some of us need to be awake soon" so we left early and I went to babysit. I was taught how to make a bottle, I never needed to make one. I also never needed to change a diaper, or make him stop crying because he never did. Babies might be the only type of human that enjoys my company, they just love me. Unfortunately not all babies are cute some are dirty and have lots of boogers. Luckily for me today Gabe is VERY cute and doesn't have many boogers.
The adventures were fun but did anything exciting happen? Like funny diaper changing stores? Nope. We just had a great time playing. Watching Oz (their dog) and Gabe play is really entertaining. I tried to get Gabe to walk but he wasn't having any of that nonsense, he has two perfectly good knees and two perfectly good hands to crawl on, who needs to walk? But when he gets on his little lawn mower thing he can run! NEVER IN MY LIFE!! I could not believe how fast this little human could go.
We also had a a little dance party, it was pretty fun. He was a great companion for the entire morning and it lasted longer than I had originally thought but it all worked out and I think we had a great time.
Reynolds (twin)